Emerging from the Tomb of Veridon
I’m excited to announce that, after languishing in electronic form for a few years, the Veridon books are once again available in paper and ink form! These are Print On Demand editions, created here in the US of A, with new artwork. Additionally, each title includes two Veridon short stories that have previously only been available in print in the original magazine (Interzone for three of them, Electric Velocipede for the fourth).
I’ve seen the proof copies, and am very happy with the print quality as well as the fit and finish of the books. This technology has really improved in the last few years. So if you’ve been waiting to pick up physical copies of Heart of Veridon or Dead of Veridon, rejoice!
Seriously, folks. Rejoice.
You can get Heart of Veridon here, and Dead of Veridon here. Enjoy!