George Martin is Kurt Cobain

The first episode of the new season of Game of Thrones premiered last night. My wife and I don’t have HBO, so we’ve only been able to watch each season once it’s on DVD, and we never bothered to pick up last season. Fortunately, our cable provider made HBO free on demand for the week […]

The Game Writing Nebula

Yesterday, SFWA announced that they were adding a Game Writing category to the Nebula Awards. The exact specifications for eligible material aren’t available yet, though the announcement says “all forms of game writing”, so it doesn’t seem they’ll be actively limiting nominations, at least initially. I have some thoughts. First, yay, good for SFWA. They […]

The Five Year Update

Today marks the five year anniversary of my writing full-time. The time has been fast, but it has also been a lifetime, something I worked toward forever and then, once achieved, haven’t really appreciated as I should. And while time is relative and calendars are arbitrary, five years makes for a nice and comfortable chunk. […]

The Gemmell

I’m more than a little surprised to learn that The Pagan Night made the long list for the Gemmell awards this year. Voting is open to the public, and without restriction, so I encourage you (and your friends and relatives and strangers you meet at bars) go and vote for me. It’s quick and easy, […]

The Pagan Year

Today is the one year anniversary of the release of The Pagan Night, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to do a little retrospective. First, you may be wondering where the next book is. Simply put, there were some delays that I didn’t expect, so the publication date has been pushed back to August. […]

The Last Paladin of a Dead God

“Eva Forge is the last paladin of a dead God…” That’s how I opened the pitch for the book that eventually became The Horns of Ruin, and I think it’s one of my better opening pitch lines. Perhaps the greatest ever conceived. What I find especially pleasing is that the book that I wrote to […]

The bird in the rain

My house backs up to a pond. We keep a bird feeder near the edge of the water, and get a variety of birds throughout the year. I think my favorite are the cedar waxwings that pass through on the edges of winter, skirting that harsh season on their way to better places. And of […]


The public face of an author is kind of a strange thing. The publishing industry is stranger. Things take time. By the time a book gets to shelves, the author has probably already finished the next one, or is at least deeply stuck in with it. When The Pagan Night was published, it was the […]

Pagan Audio

I’m pleased to announce that The Pagan Night, book one of The Hallowed War series, is now available in audiobook form! Recorded has done a great job with the reader and cover, and I simply couldn’t be happier with this! Go, listen, and enjoy!   Amazon Recorded

In the in between

I’m in this strange place, schedule-wise. I have finished the first draft of The Iron Hound and shipped it off to the appropriate authorities. While I’m waiting to hear back from them, I’ve got a small contract for a gaming company that’s sort of open ended. I keep circling around it, taking passes and then […]